Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Colorado Wedding Photographer - The Manitou Cliff House - Greg and Monica - Natural Disaster Wedding

Greg + Monica

Callie Riesling Photography

{Colorado Wedding Photographer}

The Cliff House - Manitou Springs

It was a day of Tiffany's, mud, a skyping guest on the other side of the world (in the middle of the night for him)
 & endless, unconditional love.

Saying that this was a crazy day would be a major understatement. It all started the night before when a lot of rain fell over the Waldo Canyon Burn Scar.... that water all washed down into Manitou Springs in the worst flood the small mountain town had seen in decades. It sent a four foot wall of mud, water and debris that completely destroyed 6 homes, left 11 
severely damaged, 23 buildings with cosmetic damage, 40 vehicles towed away in Manitou alone, damaged gas, water and sewer lines and 20 or more businesses that had to be shut down for at least the following day, some for more. Right before that wall of water came gushing down HWY 24, Greg and Monica finished their rehearsal at the Cliff House and left with their friends and family to go to the rehearsal dinner at the Edelweiss (one of my favorite restaurants) not knowing what they were escaping for the night. They were all supposed to return to the Cliff House that night to get their beauty sleep before the wedding, but they were unable to because the Cliff House is located on Canon Avenue (said to be the area with the worst flooding because of it's location along what is usually a creek). So instead... Greg, Monica and about 14 people had no other choice but to stay at Monica's town home until they were able to get back into the Cliff House which wasn't until about 10 am on the day of the wedding. As if that wasn't enough drama, Greg's father was hospitalized for extreme vertigo and altitude sickness. The ceremony time was pushed back until he could be released by he doctors and although he was well enough to leave the hospital, he still was not well. As sick as he was feeling, he could not miss Greg and Monica's beautiful ceremony, so he was wheeled into the ceremony in a wheelchair donning his hospital clothes and bracelet. It was very fashionable! Anyway, Greg and Monica opted for a first look, which was fabulous (especially since we had to adjust the schedule a bit)! Greg was extremely proud of their natural disaster wedding and they decided it would just be best to embrace the day and I am so glad they did, because their bridal portraits in the mud (without getting muddy of course) really told the story of the day! Greg and Monica are such a loving, amazing couple, I am so glad I had the privilege of being a part of their wedding day and forming a friendship with them. We hope to be able to see them next year when we are in Washington photographing a wedding and next time they come back, we had better go to the Golden Bee! (Another favorite! - They have very good taste in dining establishments!) I will stop talking now....
So, without any further ado - here are their gorgeous photos!

First Look 

We had a lot of fun doing our 'natural disaster shots'! Hahaha! And no one got dirty! 
 This totaled truck came down on the tow truck right as we were taking some shots.... None of us could believe how much damage a little bit of rain could do when it comes off a burn scar, since this was the first flood of many. We learned quickly!
And of course, we had to steal the skid for a few! 

Now, back to the beauty of the day! Ahhh, Monica is SUCH a gorgeous bride!

It is amazing how much they love each other... He makes her laugh and her smile makes him smile. 

We had a great time getting these shots.... Greg was totally dancing in the corner for Monica so she would laugh! 

So cute, I was seriously just taking a photo of the firetruck driving by and Monica stuck out her hand to wave to them! I loved it... and caught it at the perfect time!

On to the Ceremony! 

What a guy! Greg, you are awesome for being fun!

I usually don't share family photos on the blog, but I couldn't resist this one! Greg's dad was still feeling TERRIBLE and couldn't get out of bed for family photos..... so we went to him!

And of course the rain returned for bridal party and family portraits.

We had a fabulous time at Greg and Monica's beautiful wedding. We are so glad that they kept a positive attitude all day, made it about love and not about mud! We hope you enjoyed their gorgeous photos and crazy story! 

Up Next: Logan Pine Creek Senior Class of 2014 Senior Portraits

1 comment :

  1. are one of the very few people that could have taken this day in stride with all things trying to work against you. It looks like you have found an absolutely wonderful man. Your love and spirit are beaming in these pics. I am so proud to call you my friend! I wish you and Greg a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness! God Bless!!
