Turning Hardship Into Happiness Photo Contest
Callie Riesling Photography
{Colorado Portrait Photographer}
Rules Listed Below!

*You MUST become a fan of our facebook page - HERE!
*Submit ONE Photo that tells the story.
*This image may not be professional quality and must be unedited.
*You MUST include a description! It needs to include a brief story of what happened, how long it has been going on/when it happened and what you would like to do with the winnings.
*The description MUST also include the first names of all of the parties involved.
***Submissions are DUE by 9/30 at MIDNIGHT! NO EXCEPTIONS!***
You determine what hardship is.... It can be anything from loosing a home to a war wound to a sick family member... You get the idea!
And you CAN submit someone else!
The winner will be determined by the number of votes (facebook photo likes) between 9/31 and 10/10!
SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY HERE!!!!or submit it to callierieslingphotography@gmail.com
The GRAND PRIZE is a completely
FREE SUPERIOR Portrait Session valued at $170!
the winning session will include:
one to two hours of shooting
location and portrait guide upon request
four wardrobe changes
pose coaching
an online preview
a photo disc with all unedited images
a photo disc with 20-30 of your best shots completely
edited, enhanced and retouched images
a print release for all images
a few select edits will be black/white, sepia or tones.
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